School Sports in Bosnia,Maceonia, Armenia and Georgia

During autumn 2005 our office in Bosnia and Herzegovina initiated a number of “Leisure Time Fun Football” activities in cooperation with elementary schools. The programme included six schools with 50 children each i.e. boys and girls between 7 and 12 years who were supervised and trained by experienced leaders and coaches twice weekly.

In Macedonia a “Fun School Sport Program”, exclusively funded by the Norwegian Government, has been established in cooperation with the National School Sports Organisation. The objective is to make our “Fun-Concept” part of the daily curriculum in all primary schools in 4 selected municipalities.

Also in Georgia and Armenia Open Fun Football Schools branch offices have initiated an extensive school sport programme involving elementary as well as secondary schools.

Beside the Fun School Sport Program in Macedonia, all activities are organised by teachers who have joined the Open Fun Football Schools and who are using equipment from our operation.

This being said, a more systematic approach to the schools sports platform remains to be developed.